Sunday, September 20, 2009

Humanitarian/Goodwill Ambassador/something to do with Politics/Communicator/Nurse/Writer...
What kind of degree or job is that??? Well, when i figure that out, I'm going to pick a school and do it. And i will be accepting donations :) Basically I wanna be Angelina Jolie. I want to travel, help people get what they need, and then write about it. The main part is the helping people... weather its supplies, medical, political rights, better institutions for school, hospitals, community centers, basic needs, spiritual needs, whatever it may be. It just doesn't seem right, living with all the comforts we have and worrying about the smallest issues in our lives not being perfect, when others are struggling for basic needs. Its easy to ignore because we are creatures of habbit and stick to what we know. But that's just not enough, thats not why we're here, thats not what life's all about. So I've asked myself "How much longer will I be selfish?" And, how far will that get me in my eternal progression? I actually believe that the progression is at a stand still untill we realize that following the commandments means that we do it completely, in order to progress. If we hold back even a little bit, then we haven't "gotton" the message. No more selfishness. But in order to do this, we have to really want eternal life. And how much we want eternal life will be determined by our obedience, no matter how difficult this life is.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. great post! you should definitely be writing regardless of what field you choose! You're great at it! Ok, so...maybe start with (uh-hm)church employment and on the side, volunteer with a non profit organization. This should immerse you pretty well into the politics of it. I've learned that the measure of success in humanitarian efforts always starts out small and local. Then maybe you could join the peace corp or something HA HA. Just kidding. Please don't do that. THen I'd really never get to see you. ;)
